27 Content Marketing Growth Hacks to Leverage in 2021

Content Marketing Growth Hacks

Recently, there has been a lot of buzz about growth hacking and the techniques used in it. Marketers are desperately looking for new tricks and tips for skyrocketing their growth and some of them have even succeeded with it. One new technology to consider when networking and looking to market successfully is using video business cards.

What an innovative idea. In our previous articles, we discussed what growth hacking was and how you can boost your business with it.

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What is Content Marketing?

To start with, let’s first talk about what Content Marketing is.

“Content marketing is more of a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and developing relevant, valuable, and consistent content that attracts and retains the categorical audiences. “

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Basically, blogs, articles, and press releases are some great examples to describe what content marketing is.

Also Read: How to Grow Your YouTube Channel without Buying Subscribers

Why do You Need to Growth Hack Your Content Marketing?

You see, content marketing and growth hacking have the same goal – that is increasing revenue. And, when we combine both of them together, something exceptionally good must be expected.

Whether or not, you are selling content as your product, growth hacking is the perfect path to move ahead with.

Creating, sharing, and publishing valuable content on the web is the best way to kick-start your growth hacking practices. Even, if we keep aside the content marketing thing, growth hacking itself accumulates a portion, where it particularly focuses on viral content marketing.

When growth hackers can use it for product marketing, it becomes obvious to go for it if you are dealing with core content.

Also read:

  1. All You Need To Know About Growth Hacking In Real Estate
  2. 7 Burning Hot Growth Hacking Tips for Entrepreneurs
  3. The Definitive Guide To Growth Engineering

Here are some statistics that will show you why you must go for a content marketing strategy:

• 67% of the buyers rely on the content to make a purchasing decision.
• 65% of the buyers agree that the vendors need to focus on the quality of their content.
• 76% of the marketers are increasing their content marketing investment.
• 77% of the marketers agree that promoting their content on social media platforms is acting effectively.

Well, the stats depict it clearly that your competitors are already involved in some high-end content marketing growth hacks. So, before it’s too late, get into it and stay ahead in the race.

Benefits of Content Marketing:

The foundation of a successful content marketing strategy is the consistent delivery of informative and quality content. When a potential customer comes in contact with your product through content, it creates a sense of trust. And a relation built on trust is long-lasting.

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Talking about other benefits of content marketing growth hacks, here we have enlisted these top benefits:

• Improved visibility of a brand
• Develops a long-lasting relationship with the audience
• Represents you as the expert in your business
• Boosts traffic to your site that ultimately causes lead generation
• An open channel to communicate with customers
• Inspires the potential customers to buy the products quickly
• Increased brand recognition and awareness
• Establishes trust and loyalty with your current clients and prospects
• Helps you build credibility

The list is long and perhaps, never-ending! So, you better count on the one’s we’ve mentioned and start looking forward to applying the growth hacking tactics. To simplify your task, we have shortlisted some of the best content marketing growth hack practices for you.

1. Catch on Ideas that are Viral

Is search engine the only concern while talking about content marketing? At least not for now, it is more about your target audience and how they react to any of your content.

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So, what kind of ideas gain maximum attention?

It is mostly the highly evoking emotions that gather the attention of the readers. You need to come up with something that engages your customers thoroughly.

It has been seen that posts with emotions like joy, awe, amusement, and laughter gain the maximum visit.

Once a month, pop up with a truly viral idea that is amusing for the customers. Also, make sure that you add some positive flavor to it because that is going to hit the minds of the customers more strongly.

To your astonishment, along with driving the traffic towards your website, it will also boost your personal brand image.

Also read:

2. Mind-Boggling Headlines

Headlines are going to be your first impression on the readers and if it goes well, readers are going to spend more time reading your blog.

Contenet Headline Tricks
Add a touch of curiosity in the headlines. For instance, it should have something appealing that the users can’t escape. Readers start quality calculation at the same time they glance at your headline.

So, whether you are looking forward to getting hired or boost your traffic pick some really good topic to write on and club it with a captivating headline.

3. Don’t Forget to Make a Call To Action

Call to action? What’s that?

Call to action is nothing but a bunch of words that evokes a user to make an immediate action.
Some of the majorly used calls-to-action are – Call us, Click here, Call Now.

Call To Action
It is said that a retail commercial is incomplete and ineffective without a call-to-action. It is absolutely right as you can boost the conversion rate by 13%, just by adding a call to action.

Your landing page copy should have a handful of verbs and must be written in active voice. In the end, do not forget to test the call to action button.

4. Comprehensively Thorough Articles

Enough of short and meaningless articles! It’s time to move on to more detailed articles.

Yes, your readers are looking forward to more comprehensive articles and if you offer them with a more analyzed one, they are going to fall for it. The simple idea behind this is – No one finds it easy to browse the internet for hours looking for just one topic.

So, why not make it quick?

Why can’t we put it all in just one place? It will be easier to search and get what you want. Think of yourself as a reader and try to live up to your expectation.

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Before you proceed with a topic make sure that you pick a trending subject and target the long tail keyword in the headlines. Further, stuff it with appropriate images, info-graphics, and eye catchy images.
Here, you can have a look on how to write a detailed article.

5. Guest Blogging

If you are already connected to the content marketing niche, then better get into guest blogging. Guest Blogging is considered a key source for boosting the traffic to your website.

Research for the most relevant topic and write a detailed blog about it. However, getting a backlink should not be your only focus, rather you should focus on the ease of the readers.

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Try to stuff the article with all the necessary details, including info-graphic links, images, and stats. Get a mind-blowing piece of article for guest post and you can easily get readers wholesale.

6. Get the Most out of the Above the Fold Area

Do you have any idea of how the above fold portion can benefit you? You sure need to realize it, as during the browsing session, readers spend 80% of their time focusing on the above fold area.

So, try to fill that particular area with menu bars, opt-in form, excerpts, content headlines, and call-to-action. Moving ahead, you should avoid sliders as they can seriously cause disruption in the browsing experience of the customers.

Once you do it, there will be a significant rise in the number of clicks that you have been getting till now.


Heard of the AIDA strategy?

Believe me, this is the best thing you can add to your content marketing strategy. AIDA actually stands for:

Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
Combine these four and success is just a step away.

So, you have to create articles that grab the attention, evoke the interest, provoke the desire, and finally coerce the readers to take an action. Ultimately, your potential reader will land up on your web page.

The How-to articles gain 78.82% of the blog readers and the reason is clear – this article, mostly contains a warning that does all this the better way. Once motivated with these three attributes, the readers can’t resist reading the write-up.

AIDA can be used for blogging, article writing as well as video marketing.

8. Pull the Multimedia

Recognize the fact that content marketing is not just related to blogging and article writing. Your customers are demanding for much more and you have to perform up to their demands.
So, what are the readers actually looking for?

If we go by the stats, videos are ruling the demand list of the customers. Whether it is Facebook or Twitter, you can see video dominating the web everywhere and the equations are quite clear.

The readers don’t have to read all the stuff just a 2-minute clip can explain everything that they are looking for.

So, why stay behind? Just grab a camcorder and shoot a quick description of what your content comprises of.

Here you can get a complete guide on how to use YouTube videos in content marketing.

9. Leverage the Trends

So, the Valentine’s week is coming. Why not animate your niche with the celebration mood.

Yes, this is a great trick to improve the visitors. The coming week marks the start of the Valentine’s, so take a clue from it, else you can go for anything that is buzzing in the market.

For an example, if we talk about digital marketing, every Google update comes with an opportunity to make a whole article series.

Grab the right topic and arrange it in a way that is appealing to the customers. Ultimately, you will have what you want – a boosted traffic to your website.

Trend analysis

To stay tuned with the current trend, you can take the help of Buzzsumo. It will show you the viral headlines and the most trending topics of the month.

10. Curate the Content

Just grabbing the right topic won’t accomplish the job. You have to perform a complete research on the keywords, links, and images that you are going to put in the content.

Someone said that curating a content is much easier than creating the content. Unfortunately, it is true.
So, if you are still confused, take a look here:
Content Marketing Growth Hacks
It is less time-taking and enhances your website growth. Moreover, you can easily move with this particular content marketing growth hack.

11. Email Marketing

Email has been an old advent, still it is working the same way or to put in better words, it is gaining popularity all over gain. And, if you are trying to growth hack the content marketing plan, then better get used to it.

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First, you have to understand that readers subscribe you for a particular benefit and it can be anything like information, education, advertisement or a freebie. So, compose a mail that can attract, inform, and offer something that the prospect customers are looking forward to.

In the content marketing niche, there is nothing to sell, the most you can offer is the best picks of your blog. Compile a mail listing the best of your write-up and create a rapport with it.

12. Research SEO Keywords and Target them

SEO is important in pretty much any business these days. With the rise of technology and the use of the internet, it onle makes sense that this would be a necessary tool to use. If the seo king says so, who are we to stand by his opinion?

Using keywords keeps you on the same page with your audience. Google Adwords will let you know what they are looking for. But you have to target them by writing posts on each.

Content Marketing Growth Hacks
WordPress’s Yoast, the most popular free plugin lets you check if your content corresponds to your keywords. The best paid plugin is Scribe which makes this analysis even easier.

So, do your keyword research and target your audience through by targeting the keywords.

13. Drop in a Pop-Up

OK! Pop-ups may not be considered very pleasing, but, they work for sure!

Even if your content does lead to call to action, you still need to make it more conspicuous by adding a pop-up.

Making such a pop-up appears to the readers who wish to leave is a very good option. It doesn’t disrupt and it achieves the target too.

Rafi Chowdhury Content Marketing Growth Hacks
OptinMonster plugin with its ‘exit intent’ use is one great thing to utilize.

14. Gamification Works

Gamification is the phenomenon that made platforms like Twitter and Facebook immensely engaging.
This can work for your site too. Add things like voting as human desire for sharing opinion and connecting with the like-minded people makes your site a hit.

The Love It Pro plugin from WordPress is such sort of thing that can help you out here.

15. There is More to Your Network than Self-Promotion

It must not always be about self-promotion. Sometimes promoting others on your network can also work in your favor.

Use your blog to make friends with the chief players in the industry and it definitely works for you in an indirect way by building referrals.

Share and talk about something or some post that you liked from others on your network. This fetches you an authentic image and hence more popularity. Also, it makes the readers stay longer on your blog.

16. Leap beyond Blogging

So, you’ve written something. What now? Who would come to read it? Okay! Your Facebook and Twitter connections may do that. But that’s that.

Go beyond your blog. Carry it forward to YouTube videos, podcasts, audio content, Slideshare, Udemy, Quora and similar forums and discussions.

Blog promotion

However, what makes it a perfect hack is the art to keep the authority of the content in your hands, no matter where you are placing your content.

17. Having Good Headlines is not Enough, Make Some More

Alright! You did put in catchy headlines, but how many of them should it be? Well, there must be an ample number. Make your lowest target as 25.

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36% of total traffic is fetched by the content that has a large number of headlines.

Right, sounds very rudimentary, but works. Makes the reading interesting and well organized, “bookmarkable” as well as worth a print.

Don’t miss on this content marketing growth hack. It is a very basic hack and the most achievable one.

18. Link Your Own Content with Your Own Content

This is not a typo.

It is very much desirable that others link to your content, but it is as important to link content from your own posts to other posts of yours.

This is one time-tested strategy and it really works. Google not only recognizes but also rewards this activity.

Blog Linking

Just choose a key phrase from your posts that can be linked to other posts from your blog. This results in Google, considering all the linked content and thus higher ranking.

19. Don’t Forget the Info-graphics

Nothing beats the info graphics. Writing ace quality content cannot alone champion the race. You need to have something that the readers are compelled to look at.

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Well-written content together with well-researched info-graphics fetches 10 times the sharing than good content alone can.

And yeah, it is fun to create such content and offers you a rather easy hack for content marketing.

20. Offer a Course to Your Readers

Again a very intelligent hack!

You start off with a series of blogs in such a way that it becomes a course of some kind; reference material for your reader if you can say so.

It may later be turned into an e-book or a course. This has positive sides, both for you and your readers.

Give it away for free if you will. But if you wish to charge, that is your call.

21. Narrate an Interesting Story

Stories entice everyone. We listen to them, we tell them and we share them.

It can help you brag more than 5000 new email subscribers within just a few weeks.

Content Marketing Growth Hacks
Since sharing stories and giving an account of the success or failure journeys is a good way to connect people, you can use your content in this genre to fetch more traffic.

22. Test Your About Us Page

Admit it! The About Us page is the most ignored.

Ironically, it is one of those links on your website that can help engaging the readers right away.
To know if your page is doing anything for you, make changes to it and see what difference it makes. One very good tool to analyze this change is Optimizely A/B test.

Since your readers get to know you well through this page, it becomes a handy opportunity to make a call to action too.

23. Share More GIFs

Sharing interesting and befitting GIFs with your content definitely gets you more clicks.

Proof is Buffer’s review of their tweet which revealed that they got 150% more click throughs when the tweets were accompanied by images as compared to when they tweeted the text alone.

Content Marketing GIF

GIFs have the power to stop the readers from scrolling past. So, animate your content with it.

24. Make More Following on G+

Search is not a private thing anymore. It is completely social now.

To get noticed in the best way, use Google+ for it is Google’s own social platform.
You may think that Facebook and Twitter work better as social networks, but that totally means that you have no idea what a powerful network G+ is.

Rafi chowdhury growth hacker Google+ Profile

The higher the number of people in your circles, the more will be the chances of your occurrence in social searches.

So, go add people in your Google+ circles.

25. The Auto-responder does Work

Auto-responder courses that are email-based, let you drip content to your readers right when they sign up for your mailing list.

It keeps you and your readers connected but is nothing like an email newsletter.
Since the reader keeps getting reminded of you at regular intervals and on special occasions, it is a great content marketing hack that results in efficient content marketing.

26. Speed Up Your Website

Your Google search rankings also depend on your website’s speed.

And that has been happening since 2010, just in case you thought that was a new thing.

Speed Performance

We usually clutter up our WordPress sites with so many plug-ins that the speed really gets as slow as crawling. This lowers down your ranking.

So, speed is what you need. If it is lightning fast, you score higher on the rankings.

27. Promote Your Site

Just because you have written something top-quality does not mean that people will read it. People will only read what has been promoted well.

To market your content, you need to focus on the promotions too. Social media can be your best bait while planning to reach out the mass.

Rafi Chowdhury Growth Hacker Facebook Profile

You really have to tell people that they must read what you have written.

So, take it further from here and try these content marketing growth hacks lest you should be left behind. If you wanted to learn more about digital marketing, check out More Hot Leads Winnipeg.

2 Responses

  1. This is one of the best pieces of growth hacking techniques I ever came across. The most advanced portions which are written aptly in a simple format that can be decoded easily, both by beginners and industry experts as well.

    If you know Rafi a bit more in person, you would know, he is a hell of a social networker. He knows how to keep his social audience hooked with engaging posts and ideas that could levitate the marketing experience of his contacts. So I would suggest that regular networking with your peers, competition and audience will also amount to the “GROWTH” of any enterprise, which is skillfully demonstrated by Rafi.

    Keep on the good work buddy, and have a great day!

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